Evanston’s leading local news source is growing! Check out opportunities to join our team.

Business operations manager

The Evanston RoundTable seeks a business operations manager to help run our fast-growing non-profit news organization. The successful candidate will have at least two years of administrative experience with a nonprofit organization or business, and demonstrate excitement about the RoundTable’s mission to serve the Evanston community as the top local resource for high-quality journalism.

Click here to download the job description (pdf file).

Medill/RoundTable reporting fellowship

The Evanston RoundTable is partnering with Northwestern University to offer a one-year full-time reporting fellowship to cover race and social justice in Evanston.

Click here to download the job description (pdf file).

Freelance reporter

The Evanston RoundTable seeks freelance reporters to help build news and feature coverage for our growing nonprofit hyperlocal news operation. The reporters will work closely with our editors to develop and publish breaking stories, features and enterprise stories on city government, schools, business, arts and culture, and the local economy.


The Evanston RoundTable offers internships to students of journalism or photo journalism.

Interested reporters should contact Tracy Quattrocki, executive editor, at this email address: tracy@evanstonroundtable.com