We love hearing from our readers, and encourage a wide diversity of views and subjects in our letters. You can submit your letter below, or email us at letters@evanstonroundtable.com.

We publish as many letters submitted by Evanston residents as time and space allow. But we reserve the right to edit or decline to publish letters at our editorial discretion. If we do edit your letter, we will ask for your approval of changes that go beyond spelling, grammar or style changes prior to publication.

We do not publish letters that make personal attacks, make obviously inaccurate factual assertions or endorse candidates running for public office (please see our policy regarding election coverage and letters to the editor).

Some guidelines to keep in mind:   

Stand behind what you say: No anonymous letters will be published. Submitted letters must include the writer’s first and last name, as well as an email address and phone number, used for verification and editing purposes but kept private. If your letter is published, your full name will be posted online, along with information about your general location or affiliation; for example, the ward or part of Evanston in which you live, or the group that you represent.

Keep it local: We focus our letters section on Evanston-specific topics. We generally don’t think of the RoundTable as a place to debate national or international issues, except to the extent that they impact our community.

Be concise: Letters should not contain attachments, and may be edited for clarity, length and to conform with the RoundTable’s style rules. Longer messages may be considered for publication as guest essays.

Be patient: We have a small staff that is largely volunteer or part-time. It may take us a while to get back to you about your submission. If there is a particular urgency, please explain that in your message.

Give others a turn: Generally, we have a 30-day waiting period between publication of letters from the same person or group.