2 replies on “Letter to the editor: Let’s work with NU to improve Ryan Field changes”

  1. Hi Peggy,

    I wholeheartedly share your sentiments. Thank you for expressing them. I did not grow up in Evanston, but I chose to buy a home in Evanston for many of the same reasons you chose to move back to Evanston. Like everywhere, Evanston has its share of NIMBYs trying to encase the city in amber and preventing change at all costs. But there are also so many Evanstonians who embrace change and see within it an opportunity to enhance the quality of life for everyone in the city. When I think about this stadium proposal I think about all of the empty store fronts along Central Street and in the downtown. And, in the aftermath of the pandemic, these commercial districts are in even greater need of customers. This stadium proposal presents economic opportunity, both in terms of more customers, but also in terms of more employment opportunities for nearby residents. Moreover, the stadium proposal offers something more than football, however important that may be to many people in Evanston. It offers us a new music and cultural events space, and that is something I definitely would like to see happen.

  2. Let’s ask (I suspect many believe entirely unrelated! I don’t!), just what is Northwestern’s stance on PR0-CHOICE?
    Might they not perhaps consider using alumni funds to support this very important issue ALONG with the building of a new stadium, that is REBUILDING what is right and just?

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