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  1. So then how and where do we find out if our local taxing bodies are increasing levies or not? From what you’re saying, that sounds like the determining factor for whether the community should file appeals or not. This is the info you should give us if you’re genuinely trying to help us reduce our tax bills, but my gut says that’s not your goal nor that of the IL government.

    Homeowners are going out of their way to file appeals because they want to save money on their ridiculously high tax bills. Now you’re saying the appeal process could actually cause us to pay more?? This is insane. Government is supposed to work with and for their people, not against them, and not cause them to go broke or lose their home.

  2. So in other words, there is no good news whatsoever for homeowners. Property tax bills ALWAYS late! Maybe we should get a discount for late tax bills?

    Taxes ALWAYS going up, simply because they can take whatever they need to fill their budget gaps.

  3. It’s sad that residents can be taxed out of their home and there is nothing they can do about it. Just because property values go up doesn’t mean it helps the homeowner unless they are looking to sell or refinance. It’s criminal that the state can demand that much of a significant increase with high inflation. Solution would be to vote these people out and elect someone that wants to keep people in illinois.

  4. Why are homes that are 1100 square feet being taxed 8000 to 10000 dollars in South suburbs in dolton when other suburbs in southwest area are much larger and paying same thing people are being price out of there homes how can homes 80000 to 200000 be taxed like that. The burden being placed on lower income areas verses upper income community. This is a injustice that need to be rectified. Would like to know your response.

    1. I would like to know also, I’m a resident of Dolton also and these tax hikes are ridiculous! My mortgage almost doubled due to increase.