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  1. Lara, Michael: you are spot on! Thank you for rallying 7th ward residents (I’m one too) and all members of our community to a positive and productive path forward.

  2. I must agree with Sue. Had the City and NU strictly and transparently followed the clearly defined path for review, public input and approval I think that the project would have been given a green light. This would have created broader public support and, possibly, a better MOU for the City. Instead, the Mayor chose to work in private, to not define a negotiating plan or team, to speed the process and to lower the bar for approval at every opportunity. The result is increased animosity in Evanston and a process that will continue to play out in court. It did not have to be this way.

  3. After back room negotiations, that very well could violate the open meetings act, litigation should be pursued. If said violations did occur, then legal action and punishments should also happen.

  4. what is happening here is illegal on a number of fronts
    it really doesn’t matter what anyone thinks of the “project”

  5. If the law wasn’t followed, that’s on the elected officials who ignored it, not on the residents seeking to have it enforced.

  6. Anyone wondering what the term “revisionism” means need only took at the recounting of what the authors call “facts.” I bet they didn’t read the LUC packet, which was filled with what to them are inconvenient truths.

  7. Dear Lara and Micheal ( of the 7th ward)
    Imagine that most of this could have been avoided with honest, transparent negotiations at the beginning of this process. I agree with your call to looking forward to a “positive outcome” where – unfortunately by legal challenge – the city is compelled to do the right thing and renegotiate the MOU. I do not consider this fight a waste of our – or the city’s time/ resources.