New arrival Donne Indra Blanca speaks in support of an Evanston shelter for migrants at Monday night’s City Council meeting.
New arrival Donne Indra Blanca speaks in support of an Evanston shelter for migrants at Monday night’s City Council meeting. Credit: Bob Seidenberg

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  1. Why doesn’t anyone understand this policy, this thinking is economically unsustainable. There is a country called Haiti, there is a country called Ukraine, just to mention a couple shall we start sending planes to those countries to bring those ppl back and provide shelter for them as well. Haiti is a lawless state Ukraine is being torn apart each day.. A person wants to take their shot at the American dream fine go for it but it shouldn’t be at the expense of tax payers dollars. It should not be at the expense of placing migrants concerns /needs over the priority of economically challenged Americans.

  2. I hope we all do not rush to judge what individuals and families have fled their countries to seek refuge in America. We don’t know their personal circumstances, whether it be fear of gangs, false imprisonment, rape, murder or starvation. Do they not unlike the Ukraine people deserve some kind of help. Of course there are scammers, we see them every day as American citizens. But mostly these are people looking for some hope. I am blessed enough to not be in their shoes, but I can surely offer them some and other help. Can’t we all and some kindness too?

  3. Well, of course the situation for Ukrainian refugees here is much different and less controversial: these people have fled a real war being waged against their entire nation by Vladimir Putin’s Russia.
    If I were “king of media” I’d ban the use of the euphemisms “migrants” and “new arrivals” for the controversial group of foreigners coming here now, who have entered the USA nearly all illegally.