They’re back! Thousands of the beady-eyed, winged 17-year cicadas are emerging from the Evanston soil right now to mate, lay their eggs and start a new cycle. Click through the slideshow above to check out the scene on Wednesday as the Brood XIII insects take over trees and foliage in north Evanston, near Isabella Street and Lincolnwood Drive. (Photos by Joerg Metzner.)

According to the city’s information page, cicadas present no danger to residents or pets, though they could impact small trees and shrubs less than 2 inches in diameter. You may have noticed some smaller trees around town wrapped in protective netting.

Joerg Metzner is the creator and photographer behind "Picturing Evanston" (, a community oriented project that grew from his professional photography practice at

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  1. WOW Joerg _ Those were. incredible pictures of the Cicadas! I really loved your slide show.